Recovering from brain injuries can be excruciating. It takes a long time to adjust to the changes and the complex nature of treatment. We make you feel at home at our center while helping you go through the best neurophysiotherapy in Chennai. We play the role of being the best stroke rehabilitation Centre in Chennai by offering options even for multiple sclerosis treatment.

We are not just any other pain & stroke rehab Centre, but an all-inclusive recuperation station providing a new way forward for the affected many.


Usually, individuals affected by these conditions can have a number of symptoms directly related to the brain injury like paralysis. Paralysis rehabilitation focuses on bringing back at least a part of the functional ability for day-to-day activities. Other such brain injury symptoms include. 

  • One-sided or both sided weakness and numbness of the arms and legs
  • Pain and tightness of the arms and legs
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Impaired consciousness (i.e. impaired arousal)
  • Cognitive impairment such as memory problems, slow thinking skills, problems with attention
  • Changes in their behavior such as aggression
  • Changes in their mood such as depression and anxiety
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Bladder and bowel incontinence
  • Visual problem
  • Hearing problem

Medical Complications

There are medical complications that can be noted a few weeks or months after a brain injury. Some common ones include.

  • Pneumonia
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Deep vein thrombosis – blood clot in the veins of your arms and legs
  • Pulmonary embolus – blood clot in your lungs
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Heterotopic ossification – a condition which causes stiffness of your joints
  • Seizures
  • Post-stroke shoulder pain – shoulder pain in the weak arm
  • Spasticity – tightness of the muscles of the affected arm and leg
  • Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity – a condition that causes fluctuations in your blood pressure, and heart rate, and also causes abnormal stiffness of the arms and legs
  • Headache
  • Hydrocephalus – a condition where fluid builds up in your brain

Expectations of Recovery

Depending on the severity and chronicity (time duration since injury/illness) of the injury/illness, your recovery duration may differ. Complete neurological recovery is often possible if the injury is mild and incomplete. In the case of a moderate to severe incomplete injury or a complete injury, full neurological recovery may not be possible; therefore we will help you be independent and integrate you into the community despite your physical and/or cognitive limitation. If the injury is too severe, then the goal would be to improve your quality of life by helping you be as independent as possible with your day to day living, decrease pain and prevent complications.