Problems related to the bones are not specific to any age group and has become a very common affair than now, than it was, compared to a few years ago. The pain due to the orthopaedic conditions stop being just a physical problem after a point when they start to hamper the productivity of our daily lives.

Orthopaedic conditions is an umbrella term for a variety of conditions that affects your muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, cartilage, and capsule; not because of a disease but often due to unknown causes, degeneration, trauma, post-surgery and overuse. There are tens and hundreds of conditions that fall in this category.

We are among the few best physiotherapy centers in Chennai,that also provide specialized programs for shoulder pain rehabilitation or back pain rehabilitation. Pains related to orthopedic conditions can be reduced to a great extent through our physical therapy services.


These conditions can cause a number of symptoms such as

  • Joint pain (shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, hip, knee, ankle and foot)
  • Muscle pain or pain anywhere in the arms and legs
  • Neck pain
  • Low back pain
  • Joint or muscle stiffness
  • Poor muscle strength
  • Muscle wasting

Expectations of Recovery

These are conditions in which full recovery is often possible.