We are also one of the specialized pediatric physiotherapists in Chennai. Parenthood is bliss and giving birth to a child is more than a phenomenon or experience. It is an eternal bliss. A mother goes through a multitude of emotions and unbearable heights of pain, during the process of childbirth. But doesn’t recognize any pinch or pain, when she sees her newborn child, hale and healthy. The responsibility does not end there for the parents and it is the dream of every parent to see their newborn go through a trouble-free childhood and evolve into a successful being. But not to worry, if any of these positive thoughts are affected by any life-altering conditions for the kid like congenital limb abnormalities, autism spectrum disorders, or genetic muscle disease, among others.

Our expertise in pediatric rehabilitation includes Cerebral palsy rehabilitation, Down’s syndrome rehabilitation, and pediatric speech therapy. Children’s rehabilitation requires great care and caution with an empathetic mind. Our pediatric psychologist in Chennai understands this and is devoted to bringing back the childhood every child deserves.

These are some of the pediatric conditions that would benefit from our services

  • Cerebral palsy – A non-progressive brain disorder that predominantly affects arm and leg movement, but can also affect speaking, swallowing, and thinking skills.
  • Spina bifida – A developmental disorder causing a defect in the vertebral column and if severe, can damage the spinal cord.
  • Diseases of the bones and joints of the arms, legs, and spine such as clubfoot, scoliosis, kyphosis, bowlegs, knock knees, and hip dysplasia causing pain and deformities of the affected joints.
  • Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Edward’s, and Patau’s syndrome – often cause intellectual disability along with other characteristic body features and it could be caused due by various factors such as infections during pregnancy, certain medication or drug usage during pregnancy.
  • Pediatric limb deficiencies – congenital limb deficiencies such as trans-radial (forearm) or transhumeral (arm) limb deficiencies, trans fibular (leg), transtibial (leg), or transfemoral (thigh) are the most common and occur due to a variety of reasons such as certain medications and maternal diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Peripheral neuromuscular disorders – These are conditions that affect either your muscles or nerves or the junction between muscles and nerves. Some of the most common conditions include Duchene muscular dystrophy, Becker’s muscular dystrophy, Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy, Spinal muscular atrophy, and Friedrich’s ataxia. These conditions are very peculiar to pediatric patients. Symptoms that are seen are progressive weakness in the arms and
  • Other conditions that are not mentioned here are burns, brain injury, spinal cord injury, cancers, and rheumatic diseases which are discussed in detail in their respective sections and the same concept applies to pediatric patients as well.
  • Children with Speech and Language Delays associated with other conditions such as Autism spectrum Disorder, Mental Retardation, seizures, Apraxia, etc

This is not an all-inclusive list and any injury or illness that affects your child’s ability to walk, perform activities of daily living, swallow, speak, or perform intellectual functions will benefit from our services.

Expectations of Recovery

Depending on the nature, severity and chronicity of the injury/illness, your recovery may differ. Pediatric conditions that are discussed in this section are due to congenital, genetic or chromosomal abnormality. In regards to prognosis, they are often non-changing or worsening either physically or cognitively. In such cases, the goal is to keep them as functionally independent as possible, in regards to walking, activities of daily living, and if possible integrate them into the community (i.e. return to school, college, etc.) despite their physical and/or cognitive limitations as well as reduce symptoms such as decrease pain, improve muscle or joint stiffness, prevent contractures, and increase overall muscle strength.

Pediatric conditions that are acquired such as trauma, infection, etc. often have better prognosis and they show physical and/or cognitive improvement in addition to functional improvement.